منتديات طعم البيوت

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المواضيع الأخيرة goweto_bilobed أغنية كان في منصب - برنامج " أسعد الله مسائكم " What do your nails say about your health? Alarm10 الأحد 17 أبريل 2016, 10:59 am من طرفgoweto_bilobed أغنية إياك ترشح أي حد - برنامج " أسعد الله مسائكم " What do your nails say about your health? Alarm10 الأحد 17 أبريل 2016, 10:58 am من طرفgoweto_bilobed أغنية أنا مرتضي - برنامج " أسعد الله مسائكم " What do your nails say about your health? Alarm10 الأحد 17 أبريل 2016, 10:57 am من طرفgoweto_bilobed أغنية الهاشتاج - برنامج " أسعد الله مسائكم " What do your nails say about your health? Alarm10 الأحد 17 أبريل 2016, 10:57 am من طرفgoweto_bilobed أغنية لو ناوي تقاطع - برنامج " أسعد الله مسائكم " What do your nails say about your health? Alarm10 الأحد 17 أبريل 2016, 10:56 am من طرفgoweto_bilobed أغنية هترشح - برنامج " أسعد الله مسائكم " What do your nails say about your health? Alarm10 الأحد 17 أبريل 2016, 10:55 am من طرفgoweto_bilobed أغنية كان في مرة - برنامج " أسعد الله مسائكم " What do your nails say about your health? Alarm10 الأحد 17 أبريل 2016, 10:43 am من طرفgoweto_bilobed أغنية البرنامج الانتخابي - برنامج " أسعد الله مسائكم " What do your nails say about your health? Alarm10 الأحد 17 أبريل 2016, 10:42 am من طرفgoweto_bilobed أغنية يا شعبي يا نور العين - برنامج " أسعد الله مسائكم " What do your nails say about your health? Alarm10 الأحد 17 أبريل 2016, 10:42 am من طرفgoweto_bilobed أغنية متبقاش غبي - برنامج " أسعد الله مسائكم " What do your nails say about your health? Alarm10 الأحد 17 أبريل 2016, 10:41 am من طرفgoweto_bilobed أغنية كمالة بشرة خير - برنامج " أسعد الله مسائكم " What do your nails say about your health? Alarm10 الأحد 17 أبريل 2016, 10:40 am من طرفgoweto_bilobed أغنية ما تحسبوش الإنتخابات - برنامج " أسعد الله مسائكم " What do your nails say about your health? Alarm10 الأحد 17 أبريل 2016, 10:39 am من طرفgoweto_bilobed أغنية حمدين Vs السيسي - برنامج " أسعد الله مسائكم " What do your nails say about your health? Alarm10 الأحد 17 أبريل 2016, 10:39 am من طرفgoweto_bilobed أغنية الموقف إتحسم - برنامج " أسعد الله مسائكم " What do your nails say about your health? Alarm10 الأحد 17 أبريل 2016, 10:37 am من طرفgoweto_bilobed أوبريت الشد العضلي - برنامج " أسعد الله مسائكم " What do your nails say about your health? Alarm10 الأحد 17 أبريل 2016, 10:34 am من طرفgoweto_bilobed أغنية البلد كبيرة يا ريس - برنامج " أسعد الله مسائكم " What do your nails say about your health? Alarm10 الأحد 17 أبريل 2016, 10:32 am من طرفgoweto_bilobed توكيل صيانة اندست 19058 What do your nails say about your health? Alarm10 الأربعاء 06 أبريل 2016, 12:13 am من طرفgoweto_bilobed توكيل صيانة سونى 19058 What do your nails say about your health? Alarm10 الأربعاء 06 أبريل 2016, 12:10 am من طرفgoweto_bilobed صيانة ايديال زانوسى 19058 What do your nails say about your health? Alarm10 الأربعاء 06 أبريل 2016, 12:06 am من طرفgoweto_bilobed الخميس , 31 اذار , 2016 برج العقرب What do your nails say about your health? Alarm10 الخميس 31 مارس 2016, 12:15 pm من طرف


 What do your nails say about your health?

استعرض الموضوع التالي استعرض الموضوع السابق اذهب الى الأسفل 
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Touty Potter
المدير العام للمنتدى
المدير العام للمنتدى
Touty Potter

تاريخ التسجيل : 09/01/2011
عدد المساهمات : 285
نقاط : 467
الابراج : الجدي
العمر : 30
رسالة sms : النص
دعاء  : What do your nails say about your health? 189356125
What do your nails say about your health? IKmsQ6 اوسمتي : What do your nails say about your health? VM6AUWhat do your nails say about your health? FfJZsWhat do your nails say about your health?  صورة الوسامWhat do your nails say about your health?  صورة الوسام What do your nails say about your health?  صورة الوسام

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مُساهمةموضوع: What do your nails say about your health?   What do your nails say about your health? Alarm10الثلاثاء 20 نوفمبر 2012, 9:27 pm

What do your nails say about your health?

Nails and Health: Read the Signs

What do your nails say about your health? Getty_rf_photo_of_hands_gathering_roulette_chips

Did you know your nails can reveal
clues to your overall health? A touch of white here, a rosy tinge there, or
some rippling or bumps may be a sign of disease in the body. Problems in the
liver, lungs, and heart can show up in your nails. Keep reading to learn what
secrets your nails might reveal.

Pale Nails

What do your nails say about your health? Mh_photo_of_pale_fingernails

Very pale nails can sometimes be a
sign of serious illness, such as:

  • Anemia
  • Congestive heart failure
  • Liver disease
  • Malnutrition

White Nails

What do your nails say about your health? Dermnet_photo_of_white_nails

If the nails are mostly white with
darker rims, this can indicate liver problems, such as hepatitis. In this
image, you can see the fingers are also jaundiced, another sign of liver

Yellow Nails

What do your nails say about your health? Dermnet_photo_of_yellow_nails

One of the most common causes of
yellow nails is a fungal infection. As the infection worsens, the nail bed may
retract, and nails may thicken and crumble. In rare cases, yellow nails can
indicate a more serious condition such as severe thyroid disease, lung disease,
diabetes or psoriasis.

Bluish Nails

What do your nails say about your health? Phototake_rm_photo_of_acrocyanosis_of_hands

Nails with a bluish tint can mean
the body isn't getting enough oxygen. This could indicate an infection in the
lungs, such as pneumonia. Some heart problems can be associated with bluish

Rippled Nails

What do your nails say about your health? Phototake_rm_photo_of_pitted_nails

If the nail surface is rippled or
pitted, this may be an early sign of psoriasis or inflammatory arthritis.
Discoloration of the nail is common; the skin under the nail can seem

Cracked or Split Nails

What do your nails say about your health? Dermnet_photo_of_split_fingernail

Dry, brittle nails that frequently
crack or split have been linked to thyroid disease. Cracking or splitting
combined with a yellowish hue is more likely due to a fungal infection.

Puffy Nail Fold

What do your nails say about your health? Mh_photo_of_red_puffy_nail_fold

If the skin around the nail
appears red and puffy, this is known as inflammation of the nail fold. It may
be the result of lupus or another connective tissue disorder. Infection can
also cause redness and inflammation of the nail fold.

Dark Lines Beneath the Nail

What do your nails say about your health? Mh_photo_of_dark_lines_beneath_nail

Dark lines beneath the nail should
be investigated as soon as possible. They are sometimes caused by melanoma, the most dangerous type of skin cancer.

Gnawed Nails

What do your nails say about your health? Dermnet_photo_of_bitten_nails

Biting your nails may be nothing
more than an old habit, but in some cases it's a sign of persistent anxiety
that could benefit from treatment. Nail biting or picking has also been linked
to obsessive-compulsive disorder. If you can't stop, it's worth discussing with
your doctor.

Nails Are Only Part of the Puzzle

What do your nails say about your health? Getty_rf_photo_of_hands_and_feet

Though nail changes accompany many
conditions, these changes are rarely the first sign. And many nail
abnormalities are harmless -- not everyone with white nails has hepatitis. If
you're concerned about the appearance of your nails, see a dermatologist.
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
صاحبة المنتدى
صاحبة المنتدى

تاريخ التسجيل : 08/01/2011
عدد المساهمات : 10987
نقاط : 24782
الابراج : السرطان
المزاج : مهمومة ببلدي
العمر : 67
تعاليق : ربّـــــي اغفر لـي ولوالـديّ
وارحمهما كمــا ربيـــــانـي
صـــغيرا واجزهمــــــــــــا
بالاحســان احســـــــــــــانا
وبالسيئات عفوا وغفـــرانا
رسالة sms :
اعطني قلباً كبيراً
يتسع لكل الناس
الصغيرقبل الكبير
الضعيف قبل القوي
واعطني ذاكرتين
ذاكرة ضعيفة تنسي الإساءة
وذاكرة قوية تتذكر الأحسان

الموقع : قلب أمي مصر
دعاء  : What do your nails say about your health? 189356125
What do your nails say about your health? IKmsQ6 اوسمتي : What do your nails say about your health? LhCzmCWhat do your nails say about your health?  صورة الوسامWhat do your nails say about your health?  صورة الوسامWhat do your nails say about your health?  صورة الوسام What do your nails say about your health?  صورة الوسام

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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: What do your nails say about your health?   What do your nails say about your health? Alarm10الخميس 22 نوفمبر 2012, 5:05 pm

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الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

What do your nails say about your health?

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