منتديات طعم البيوت

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المواضيع الأخيرة goweto_bilobed أغنية كان في منصب - برنامج " أسعد الله مسائكم " Experts warn children's makeup poses risk Alarm10 الأحد 17 أبريل 2016, 10:59 am من طرفgoweto_bilobed أغنية إياك ترشح أي حد - برنامج " أسعد الله مسائكم " Experts warn children's makeup poses risk Alarm10 الأحد 17 أبريل 2016, 10:58 am من طرفgoweto_bilobed أغنية أنا مرتضي - برنامج " أسعد الله مسائكم " Experts warn children's makeup poses risk Alarm10 الأحد 17 أبريل 2016, 10:57 am من طرفgoweto_bilobed أغنية الهاشتاج - برنامج " أسعد الله مسائكم " Experts warn children's makeup poses risk Alarm10 الأحد 17 أبريل 2016, 10:57 am من طرفgoweto_bilobed أغنية لو ناوي تقاطع - برنامج " أسعد الله مسائكم " Experts warn children's makeup poses risk Alarm10 الأحد 17 أبريل 2016, 10:56 am من طرفgoweto_bilobed أغنية هترشح - برنامج " أسعد الله مسائكم " Experts warn children's makeup poses risk Alarm10 الأحد 17 أبريل 2016, 10:55 am من طرفgoweto_bilobed أغنية كان في مرة - برنامج " أسعد الله مسائكم " Experts warn children's makeup poses risk Alarm10 الأحد 17 أبريل 2016, 10:43 am من طرفgoweto_bilobed أغنية البرنامج الانتخابي - برنامج " أسعد الله مسائكم " Experts warn children's makeup poses risk Alarm10 الأحد 17 أبريل 2016, 10:42 am من طرفgoweto_bilobed أغنية يا شعبي يا نور العين - برنامج " أسعد الله مسائكم " Experts warn children's makeup poses risk Alarm10 الأحد 17 أبريل 2016, 10:42 am من طرفgoweto_bilobed أغنية متبقاش غبي - برنامج " أسعد الله مسائكم " Experts warn children's makeup poses risk Alarm10 الأحد 17 أبريل 2016, 10:41 am من طرفgoweto_bilobed أغنية كمالة بشرة خير - برنامج " أسعد الله مسائكم " Experts warn children's makeup poses risk Alarm10 الأحد 17 أبريل 2016, 10:40 am من طرفgoweto_bilobed أغنية ما تحسبوش الإنتخابات - برنامج " أسعد الله مسائكم " Experts warn children's makeup poses risk Alarm10 الأحد 17 أبريل 2016, 10:39 am من طرفgoweto_bilobed أغنية حمدين Vs السيسي - برنامج " أسعد الله مسائكم " Experts warn children's makeup poses risk Alarm10 الأحد 17 أبريل 2016, 10:39 am من طرفgoweto_bilobed أغنية الموقف إتحسم - برنامج " أسعد الله مسائكم " Experts warn children's makeup poses risk Alarm10 الأحد 17 أبريل 2016, 10:37 am من طرفgoweto_bilobed أوبريت الشد العضلي - برنامج " أسعد الله مسائكم " Experts warn children's makeup poses risk Alarm10 الأحد 17 أبريل 2016, 10:34 am من طرفgoweto_bilobed أغنية البلد كبيرة يا ريس - برنامج " أسعد الله مسائكم " Experts warn children's makeup poses risk Alarm10 الأحد 17 أبريل 2016, 10:32 am من طرفgoweto_bilobed توكيل صيانة اندست 19058 Experts warn children's makeup poses risk Alarm10 الأربعاء 06 أبريل 2016, 12:13 am من طرفgoweto_bilobed توكيل صيانة سونى 19058 Experts warn children's makeup poses risk Alarm10 الأربعاء 06 أبريل 2016, 12:10 am من طرفgoweto_bilobed صيانة ايديال زانوسى 19058 Experts warn children's makeup poses risk Alarm10 الأربعاء 06 أبريل 2016, 12:06 am من طرفgoweto_bilobed الخميس , 31 اذار , 2016 برج العقرب Experts warn children's makeup poses risk Alarm10 الخميس 31 مارس 2016, 12:15 pm من طرف


 Experts warn children's makeup poses risk

استعرض الموضوع التالي استعرض الموضوع السابق اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوع{الموضوع}
صاحبة المنتدى
صاحبة المنتدى

تاريخ التسجيل : 08/01/2011
عدد المساهمات : 10987
نقاط : 24782
الابراج : السرطان
المزاج : مهمومة ببلدي
العمر : 67
تعاليق : ربّـــــي اغفر لـي ولوالـديّ
وارحمهما كمــا ربيـــــانـي
صـــغيرا واجزهمــــــــــــا
بالاحســان احســـــــــــــانا
وبالسيئات عفوا وغفـــرانا
رسالة sms :
اعطني قلباً كبيراً
يتسع لكل الناس
الصغيرقبل الكبير
الضعيف قبل القوي
واعطني ذاكرتين
ذاكرة ضعيفة تنسي الإساءة
وذاكرة قوية تتذكر الأحسان

الموقع : قلب أمي مصر
دعاء  : Experts warn children's makeup poses risk 189356125
Experts warn children's makeup poses risk IKmsQ6 اوسمتي : Experts warn children's makeup poses risk LhCzmCExperts warn children's makeup poses risk رابط صورة الوسامExperts warn children's makeup poses risk رابط صورة الوسامExperts warn children's makeup poses risk رابط صورة الوسام Experts warn children's makeup poses risk رابط صورة الوسام

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مُساهمةموضوع: Experts warn children's makeup poses risk   Experts warn children's makeup poses risk Alarm10الخميس 03 أبريل 2014, 5:04 am

Experts warn children's makeup poses risk

Experts warn children's makeup poses risk 2014-635299703614862126-486
Many Egyptian parents are happy to let their children wear makeup and face paints on special occasions, but experts warn the ingredients could be damaging

Makeup kits for children made headlines in recent days following a revelation by French researchers that proved most of these supposedly safe cosmetics contain harmful ingredients that can damage children’s skin.

Some Egyptian parents say that using makeup products on special occasions has become common.

“Unfortunately using these colours and cosmetics on the face of our children is often inevitable, “says Yasmine El-Hossainy, mother of two girls. “Whenever there is a themed occasion at school, or at birthday parties, I can’t simply tell my girls to miss all the fun and not use these colours like their friends. It has simply been a staple in any gathering where little girls are present, including at family and friends’ meals.”

After studying the main 18 cosmetic face colour kits that are present on the market and which had previously been declared 100 percent safe for children skin, it was discovered by the researchers from French non-profit consumer watchdog UFC- Que Choisir that almost half of them contained parabens. The chemicals, which are supposed to act as preservatives, effect hormone regulation when absorbed into the blood and are very dangerous even in low doses.

Five of the products contained perfumes which may cause allergies, but most disturbing of all was the discovery that 25 percent of these products contain heavy doses of nickel and lead. These dangerous elements when absorbed through the skin may attack the nervous system and cause psychological disorders, apart from the probability of occurrence of major allergies.

“It is about time that parents listened to the advice we’ve been giving them over and over again for ages regarding using this stuff on kids skin,” Dr Mona Soliman, professor of dermatology and laser therapy at Cairo University told Ahram Online. Soliman stresses that in Egypt many of these products are not monitored or approved by a medical authority.

“We have to understand that kids’ skin is very sensitive and much thinner than the skin of an adult. We unfortunately receive many cases of children suffering contact dermatitis because of parents allowing them to use cosmetics and face colours,” she says. She added that many children are what specialists call ‘atopic’, meaning that they are more prone to allergies because of their genetic makeup. Atopic children many times suffer extreme reactions to the chemicals present in these colours, which are absorbed into the skin and can for some kids lead to breath constrictions.

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Experts warn children's makeup poses risk

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